Monday, 28 October 2013

I Walk

Photo Courtesy:

I walk a path without knowing the road,
Ignorant of where it will lead,
Oblivious to see what it will bring.

I walk for it gives me something to do,
Taking me away from the hounding grief,
To the land of hope where delusion rules.

I walk a path with pain in my soul,
Wanting to look back for the love I craved,
But afraid of rejection, I continue to move.

I walk with cracking heels and bleeding feet,
Gravel digging in with disturbing ease,
Looking around for a shield for flagging spirit.

I walk, walk and walk through the twists and turns,
Hoping against hope for serenity and repose,
Blinking away every jagged stone of deceit and impose.

I walk and will continue to walk in my quest,
Unmindful of scars and blisters that I gather,
For I have to reach the place unknown.


  1. Lovely Lines Pankti.. :)
    And Indeed we need to keep on walking no matter how hard it is..
    Just like the "I walk a lonely Road,The only One I have ever known" from Greenday..

    1. Yes Harsha. It's my belief that we are born to walk, no matter what kind of a road life throws at you. Thanks for visiting :)

  2. what a painful poem Pankti! this is so piquant and eerily stirring. In a way this gives out the right message also , after all life is what but walking on and on..the journey is the destination....

  3. Beautiful and painful Pankti....loved "I walk and will continue to walk in my quest,
    Unmindful of scars and blisters that I gather,
    For I have to reach the place unknown."

  4. This is beautiful... esp the line "Gravel digging in with disturbing ease", speaks volume of the pain...
    And yes... it is all about the journeys and not the destinations....

  5. The eternal walk of life, isn't it? Nice.

    1. Yes. The walk on the unknown path of life :)

  6. Nice. You sound like a professional poet.

  7. I loved this, beautiful language and really raw and emotional words.

  8. Don't we all make this journey? Nice! You write good poems lady :)

  9. My state of mind actually. Beautifully put. :)

  10. Beautifully written Pankti! Love the flow and the rhyme...we should walk ahead and not look behind. Cherish new experiences leaving behind the grind! :)

  11. "Wanting to look back for the love I craved,
    But afraid of rejection"- so honest....!
    Loved the concluding Iine too.... I remember someone used to find poetry a boring thing :-)

  12. Congratulations I have shared my liebster award with you :)
    do check out my post :)

  13. such an unending quest..............................

  14. But still I walk...Beautiful Pankti!
